When you buy a domain from Brandablenames, we provide full control and ownership of the domain. The domain is transferred to your name for a fixed price. If for any reason it is not possible, a full refund will be initiated.
Domain: A dedicated professional is assigned to work with you. After complete payment, we transfer the domain in your name to you
Logo: A logo is also provided with the domain purchase as per customer demand. The logo is created in RGB & not CMYK and shared as a PNG, JPEG. After completion of payment, complete ownership of the logo is also transferred to you.
Additional combos:
Some domains come with bundled with additional features. These could be additional domains, social accounts and/ design assets. If specified on the domain page, they are included in your purchase.
We do not provide any trademark registration with the domain. It is because every country has its own norms for registering a trademark. No one trademark is valid for all countries across the globe. Hence, we do not provide any sort of country-specific or otherwise trademark with your purchase.
Brandablenames is a go-to marketplace for buying industry-specific domains. All domains come with pre-designed logo that is included with your purchase.
When you buy a domain, it is moved to a secure escrow account. This provides a guaranteed assurance that you will receive your domain or a refund.
Depending on where the domain is currently held and where you want it transferred. After the payment, it will generally take 24-48 hours depending on your current registrar. The process begins as soon as payment is confirmed.
The fastest possible way to get a domain transferred is to use the same domain registrar as the owner. In the case of different registrars, an additional 5 days will be needed to cover the mandatory waiting period of ICANN’s.
The payments received are held securely in an escrow account until the domain name is transferred to you. For any reason, if the domain cannot be transferred to you, your funds are refunded.
It is not possible to include any trademarks because of different terms for different countries.
A name could be used in different geographical locations for different services. A trademark usually belongs to a particular industry and a particular region. Brandablenames cannot guarantee that a particular domain will be used in which industry by you.
Brandablenames is a marketplace for buying domain names that are owned by other people. We act as an agent to bring together the buyers and sellers. Once the payment has been made for a domain, the transfer process begins within 24hrs, there are no refunds once the name has been transferred.
In many cases the price is fixed but can be slightly negotiated.
Payments are expected to be made in full